audio visual live performances

cc2 sonic projection water screen water shield

cc2 is an artist duo from Berlin, Germany. For the last 12 years they have been presenting their audiovisual live performances in festivals and public events worldwide. All studio art-works of cc2 are based on the content of live installations.

cc2’s productions evolve on the real-time  combination of sound and projections. Each live performance is a unique composition of generated visuals and sound waves that are prepared site-specfic for the event. Multi-channel audio outputs create graphical patterns and structures of light and are in a constant feedback situation with the visual processing.

For a temporary moment the audience, the architecture and surrounding will be “wrapped“ in atmospheric textures of light and sound and transform into an immersive scenery. This experience opens new possibilities for reflecting on time and space by the audience. Seeing the sound while simultaneously listening to the images on projection-mapped surfaces create a new dimension of perception and involvement with the location: The mind of the viewer/listener draws a sonic landscape and engages with the site of the event in a completely new narrative.

cc2 (aka LiCHTPiRATEN) is based in Berlin, Germany.


+49 (0) 175 16 35 937  messanger whatsapp, signal, telegram

selected works 

FUSION, art meets science, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, München, Germany, 2022/2023
FUSION, ARTPRIZE GrandRapids Mi, USA 2022 (1st Jury Price for time-based category)
BORDERLESS, Goethe Institut, Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina, 2022

DRONESCAPER, Köllnischer Park, Berlin, Germany 2021 
EXCALIBUR, Fonds Darstellende Kunst, Streaming, 2021
AUFERSTEHUNG, Wiener Burgtheater, Wien, Austria, 2020 (work in progress)
PRISON BREAK, Berlin Projekt, Tai Kwun + Goethe Institut Hongkong, 2019
Breathing Calligraphy, Kitakyushu, Japan, 2019 
REMBRANDT´S LEGATHYWater ScreenLeiden, Netherland, 2019
TRICKY FEEDBACK, Chaos Communication Congress, Leipzig, Germany, 2018
La NotteWater Screen, Figurentheater Magdeburg, Germany, 2018,
 Potsdam, Germany, 2018
Chinafest, Cologne/Beijing, Köln, Germany, 2012/2017
OBELISK, 360° Berlin Partner, Halles de Saint-Géry, Bruxelles, Belgium, 2017
WAKING LIFEWater Screen, Crato, Portugal, 2017
SIRENENTRÄNEN, art@sanofi, Sonycenter, Berlin, Germany, 2017 
MICROGRAVITY, FULLDOME, re:publica, Berlin, Germany, 2016
POPUP visit Berlin, Warschau/Madrid/Zürich, Poland/Spain/Switzerland, 2016
BASIC PATTERN Fahrbereitschaft Berlin, Gallery Weekend, Berlin, Germany, 2015
OMNIDOMEFULLDOME, CCC camp & congress Mildenberg/Hamburg, Germany, 2015
TRICKY FEEDBACK, ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany, 2015
OMNIDOME, FULLDOME, Teufelsberg „Ich fühl den Duft von anderen Planeten“, Berlin, Germany, 2014
MICHELANGELO, Basilica de Francesco, Piso Tres , Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2014
Centro Metropolitano de Diseño, Berlin Partner, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2014
Hanoi Zone 9, Berlin Partner/Goethe Institut, Hanoi, Vietnam,  2013
BerlinDayz, Habima Theater, Berlin Partner + Goethe Institut , Tel Aviv, Israel, 2013

Stattbad Wedding, 2012

ENCHANTMENTFestival of Light Berlin, Germany, 2012  
HUMBOLDT-UNIVERSITÄT,  Festival of LIGHT Berlin, Germany 2011
Red Moon, Festival of  Light Jerusalem, Israel 2011
TIMEMACHINE, 360 cylindric, Festival of LIGHT BerlinGermany, 2010 
THE THREE RINGS, Damascus Gate, Festival of  Light Jerusalem, Israel, 2010
Nation of Gondwana, Water ScreenGrünefeld,  Germany, 2010-2019
LICHTKLANGLANDSCHAFT Körnerpark, Berlin, Germany, 2010

Museums: Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin,
 Hamburger Bahnhof, Red Dot Museum
Theaters: Theater Freiburg, Theater Karlsruhe, Volksbühne Berlin, Friedrichstadtpalast Berlin
Festivals & Clubs: Fusion, Wilde Möhre, Garbicz, Sisyphos, Wilde Renate, Kater Holzig, Bar 25, Arena Club, Dockville Hamburg, Platoon, Luft & Liebe,  Lethargy