dronescaper collection


DRONESCAPER – Köllnischer Park am Märkisches Museum, Berlin, 2021

The „House sign with horse“ is a historical artifact, which is now displayed at the Park next to Märkische Museum in Berlin. It depicts a horse being unharnessed in front of a horse resting station. The natural depth of the  stone relief (50cm  x 50cm)  made it suitable for further image processing and projections into the trees. The animation by sound reactive generative visuals as well as the wind driven branches of the trees produced a  situation of unreliable pictures during that stormy night.

Touchdesigner, multichannel audio input

video (color, sound), 4k 60fps 1:36 min loop

Dronescaper, spectral shaping circle,
video (color, sound), 4k 60fps 1:36 min loop

